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So, what's this week's affirmation? Write the phrase below on a sticky note and start building your confidence!
"I deserve a bright future."
It's 5:45 AM in the dead of winter. Your alarm is beeping but you just CAN'T get out of bed. It's pitch black out and you feel like a bear who got woken up from hibernating. After a few minutes debating sleeping in "just a few more minutes", you think about your new pumpkin spice coffee creamer and it motivates you to get out of bed.
Sound familiar? If so, keep reading because after you've finished this post, you'll be armed with some new tactics and products that will set you up for a more alert morning and a more relaxing evening. Anyways, back to our story...
Here's your checklist for a good morning:
Now here's your checklist for a good evening:
Now that we've covered the details, here's a recap of all the things you need to set yourself up for a great morning and night. After checking these items out on Amazon, share this post with a friend, we all need better sleep!
here's a recap of the items:
This is a lot easier said than done, I know. With all the "motivational" things we see on social media like:
the truth:
All the work you do in the gym is great, but what you need to remember is that the 45 minutes you spent working out is not when your body gets stronger. Seriously, it's not. Those 45 minutes told your body what to do, but WHEN it happens is way after those 45 minutes are up. Your body needs to recharge. It needs to sleep. It needs to leisurely walk. It needs to stretch and regain mobility. All these things that happen outside the gym are what let your body get ready for next time so you can be more agile, faster and stronger.
If you don't give your body time to repair, then you'll be in the second camp from above = on the verge of sabotage. I've seen it many times before from training clients... People get super motivated at the beginning and take on too much at once. They feel great (at first) but eventually get burnt out and give up completely because they are so tired, sore and grumpy. If they listened to their body's needs and took a break, they would have been able to continue.
so you know you need to rest, but when?
Here's the hard part. Listening... My rest days are never the same day each week, it always varies depending on what I've done in the week, what is on my to-do list, and where my head is.
What I advise you to do is use these two general rules of thumb:
Need even more help listening to your body? Check out my confidence coaching plan, it helps you gain body confidence through working out, but also through treating rest as a way to honor your body!
Pin now, read again later!
say what?
Yes, you already honor yourself in some way. I know you do. Do you have anything that’s even remotely “fancy” in your life that you do? Maybe you have a hair masque you love, a special breakfast you make after a workout, an extensive skincare routine, or a special candle you burn in the evenings. Or, maybe you’re like me (and most of the world) and have a special way you make coffee or tea in the morning. All these things are specific to you. You chose them for a reason. You chose the process, the products, and the timing all because they make you happy and they offer you some benefit. You already do the legwork, now it’s time to make it work for your emotional health too and turn it into self-care.
here comes the lesson in mindfulness
Just like my coffee, my tea has a special "art" too. Tea tends to be more relaxing for me, and is thus saved for the weekends or days off with my hubby. I have a gorgeous gold press for my loose leaf tea and the same mental notes happen here too. I admire the color of the press, the shapes of the tea leaves, the sound the water makes as it fills the carafe, the steam hitting my face, and the color changes of the steeping tea. Again, all those steps would happen no matter what, but being mindful of what is happening and what you are doing makes the difference.
have I lost you yet?
I sure hope not. I know this tip sounds silly at first, but think about it... All I am asking you to try is change the way you think about your face wash, your candles, your conditioner, even your scrambled eggs. All you need to do is be more mindful. Although these daily acts are simple, they are repeated for a reason: they give us comfort, love, satisfaction, etc. Let those feelings bubble up even more and enjoy not only the final product but the PROCESS you took to get there. Those 5 - 10 NOT extra minutes will definitely change your day.
I know. You're overworked, spread thin, stressed, tired and have too big of a to-do list. You see all these posts about self care, about giving yourself time and space and on top of that you NEED to get a workout in AND meal prep...
You think "how the heck am I supposed to do that PLUS all the other crap I have to do PLUS be the best for the people in my life that rely on me???" Well, I have some news for you: If you do not focus on yourself and push through your exhaustion to help and serve others with no break, you WILL get burnt out. You might not be burnt out now, but you WILL get to that breaking point some day. And when that day comes, all hell will break loose. Why? Because you will be so fed up, tired and drained to do all the things that you do for others (which we all know is pretty much EVERYTHING). I know self-care gets pushed to the bottom of the list. It feels like it something we do only when given permission... Permission? Really? You're the one taking care of everyone and doing everything, you DESERVE that time to build yourself up, to learn more, to grow more. Give yourself your own permission. Self care should never be viewed as just a treat. It should be viewed as the thing that keeps us vibrant, renewed and ready to serve the world in the best way we can. Please, take this thought with you today: "You can only give others what you give yourself." Give yourself the gift of time to breathe, the gift of reflection, and the gift of time to honor yourself. -always lifting your LIFE, Laura
AuthorMy name is Laura and I help overly tired 20something women overhaul their lives, energy and confidence without overwhelm. Categories
Although I am a Certified Personal Trainer through the National Academy of Sports Medicine and write to the best of my knowledge on fitness, nutrition and lifestyle practices, I cannot be made liable to know all information on a particular subject. Knowledge gained through this blog is to be used at your own risk and all lifestyle changes should be discussed with a doctor before starting. I am also a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. I do receive a small reimbursement for sales made through the links provided on my blog. |